Friday, December 4, 2015

iOS 9.2 iCloud Locked Removal tool to Bypass/Unlock iCloud iPhone 6s plus,6+,5s,5,4s

If a lot of you are saying this is fake  when it’s not. I am not a troller. If you do it correctly it will work. If you read through the comments on the two YouTube videos that I’ve posted. It has actually worked for some. Find how to,iOS 9.2 iCloud Locked Removal tool to Bypass/Unlock iCloud iPhone 6s plus,6+,5s,5,4s! It doesn’t always work the 1st or even 2nd try. I’ve had to rinse and repeat five times before  I use this trick everyday at work when a verizon customer brings in a girlfriends locked iPhone  it removes iCloud and pin on the phone if you do it 100% correctly. Also there may be some phones that it will not work on depending on its current state. I provided this tutorial to assist people, if it doesn’t work for you . That in no way, shape or form means that it won’t work for somebody else. Please keep your nasty comments to yourselves. I’ve tested this on about 40 iPhones and there has only been 1 iPhone that I haven’t been able to unlock. I think that was partially due to the fact, the iPhone was accessed from the iCloud website and sent a lock/find me message. Like I said though, I provided this to help you, but if it doesn’t work for some of you I’m sorry. This really is a working unlock for a lot of people.

UPDATE – I missed a few steps due to hurrying up and trying to get a video posted. I will post the updated video below this update. Please follow the steps exactly in this video:Download

Update – Download link fixed Here

We have it first, The one and only, the first to bring it to you! iOS 9.2, how to remove an iCloud account from an iCloud locked iPhone! I have only tested this on iOS 9.2 It may work on previous versions. It may not. Here are the steps! Follow them 100%

  • Tutorial Instruction: put iPhone into dfu recovery mode using the application I have here for you to download. Choose extras > pwned dfu and follow instructions perfectly  if you mess up, start over. The program will give an unexpected error and that is expected.

When iTunes comes up, it will ask you to restore the iPhone (if it asks you to restore and update, go ahead and restore and update) if not then just choose restore.

If you restore and update, and the iPhone still comes back locked. Don’t worry. That is expected. If this happens, just repeat until it works.

Let it complete the restore

After it restores, iTunes will ask you if you want to restore from a previous backup. Restore the iPhone to one of your iPhone backups you have saved in iTunes from any other iPhone. It doesn’t matter what model. If you don’t have a backup, go ahead and setup as a new iPhone.

iCloud lock will be gone, and you will be able to use the iPhone just as nothing ever happened!

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